Water PNG Top Management Team from Right to Left: Chief Executive Managing Director Raka Taviri Jr., newly appointed COO Mr. Billy Imar, General Manager Customer Service Mr. Joseph Yore, General Manager Engineering and Major Projects Mr. Sibona Vavia and General Manager Operations Mr. Imbu Palya are all smiles following the announcement today during the management debriefing held at the Water PNG Head Office, Garden City, Level 1, Boroko, NCD.

Billy Imar is the new Chief Operations Officer for Water PNG

by Super User
Hits: 13375

Water PNG yesterday announced that Billy Imar, former Eda Ranu CEO, is the new Chief Operations Officer (COO) for the organization. During the Management briefing yesterday, Chief Executive – Managing Director Mr. Raka Taviri Jr. made the announcement following recent management changes and appointments.

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