Construction of new Water Supply System in Kerema on track

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Following the ground breaking ceremony of the construction of the new water supply in Kerema late last year, Water PNG in its recent periodic site visit reported that the stage one construction was on track and work will be completed by the end of the year.

Team Leader of the Kerema Awareness Campaign and Site Inspection Team Mr. IlaRenagi said: “The construction phase is on track and going smoothly so we should complete in the next six months.”

He said the Government intends to increase access to clean; safe water supply from 39% to 100 % by 2050 and the development of Kerema Water Supply was in line with the Government’s Vision 2050 under the pillar of infrastructure development that includes roads, bridges, water supply, wharves, and airstrips.

 “A total of K9.1million was committed to complete Stage One and Two of the project while stage three which entails the construction of the Sewerage System will commence thereafter,” Mr. Renagi said.

He said the two-stage water supply project had received funding support from the Gulf Provincial Government worth K500, 000 while the balance of K8.6million came from the Government’s Public Investment Program (PIP).

“The stage one construction worth K3.3 million included the construction of the rising main, transmission and distribution mains, elevated water storage tank, installation of chlorination treatment facility and standby generator, house connections, meters and other appurtenances such as valves, fire hydrants, etc; while stage two worth K5.3million included the construction work with extended coverage of supply to the entire residence of Kerema Town.”

He said that the team will return in August to conduct a customer survey and carry out awareness on the proper use of water and sanitation systems; misuse and wastage of water; educate people of the levels of non-payment; raise awareness on Water PNG services and mandatory its role; and raise awareness on how clean water can improve the quality of life in Kerema

Mr. Ila Renagi said the priorities for the awareness campaign is linked to the Water PNG Corporate Plan to supply water and sanitation services to all citizens, and on the need for all Papua New Guineans to have access to safe drinking water by 2050.

He added that there were some discussions on collaborating awareness activities with the Nobel Peace Prize winner Médecins Sans Frontières (the world’s leading independent organisation for medical humanitarian aid) who are currently in Kerema to minimize the spread of tuberculosis through their various vaccination and health programs. 

Meanwhile, Gulf Province Governor Hon. Havila Kavo who had met up with the team at the GMI Hotel in Kerema during its site committee meeting; expressed his continued support of the utilization of the NBC land in Kerema.

Governor Kavo maintained his appeal to the local landowners to refrain from demanding any land compensation as this will hinder the development and advancement of the province.

Water PNG Chief Executive and Managing Director Mr. Raka Taviri said: “Water PNG is very prudent in its limited funding resources but always promotes the importance of access to clean, safe drinking water and the benefits it brings to improved living standard and stimulate economic growth.”

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