Trade Waste Policy


Water PNG Ltd (formerly PNG Waterboard) is established under National Water Supply and Sanitation Act 2016. The Act provides Water PNG Ltd with key objectives of being a successful business, improve public health and protect environment. The Trade Wastewater Policy is developed as part of environment management system to protect the environment. The Trade Wastewater Policy has nationwide coverage.

The Part III of National Water Supply and Sanitation Regulation have provisions for prohibited discharges and trade waste discharges into the sewers. The trade waste is defined as liquid refuse from a business, trade, or manufacturing property other than domestic sewage, storm water or unpolluted water. The objectives of the Policy are to protect sewerage infrastructure, operators’ safety, protect environment and protect public health. The Policy sets guidelines and limits of trade waste to be discharged into the sewerage system. The trade waste dischargers are categorized based on volume they discharge and pollutant concentration of the discharge.

The Policy provides control mechanism which includes issuing of Permits, signing Agreements and imposition of penalty for breaches. The Policy provides administrative process and procedures for lodgement of application for Permit or Agreement depending on category of trade waste generator. The Policy provides for inspection and monitoring of dischargers’ pretreatment facilities. It includes determination of discharge quantity and quality depending on the category of discharger. The Policy provides for commercial and industrial dischargers to install arrestors as pre-treatment of their trade wastes. The discharge of infectious wastes and waste water from medical, clinical, veterinary areas together with the toxic and hazardous wastes are covered in the Policy.

The Trade Wastewater Policy provides for charges and fees for discharge of trade waste into WPNGL sewerage system. There are fees for breaches of Permit conditions and Agreement. There is also fee for lodging applications for discharge of trade wastewater. The Appendices at the end of the document provide details and additional information on matters described in the Policy.

Click here to read about the Trade Wastewater Policy (PDF | 510 KB)