Regulatory Roles

Resources constraints precluded Water PNG carrying out the above statutory functions from the beginning.

The Compliance and Licensing Unit set up in 2001 now carries out these functions. A private Water Supply & Sanitation operator operates a "public" system if he provides a service to more than one household. Examples are schools, jails, army barracks, mining towns and agricultural estates.

The intent of the NWS&SA in requiring Water PNG to regulate private operators is as follows:

  • Set up a register of all water supply and sewerage systems throughout the country not operated by Water PNG;
  • Ensure consistency in the use of water technology to produce desired results;
  • Complement roles of Department of Enviroment and Conservation and Department of Health in ensuring compliance with set Standards,

To date, under the regulatory regime, Water PNG regulates and monitors compliance to set Standards in Engineering and Water Quality on 141 private water supply and sewerage systems (systems not operated by Water PNG ) throughout the country. Many more such operators are yet to be regulated under these function.

The following conditions or requirements are to be satisfied in order for a license to operate a private water supply and sewerage system is issued:

  • The technology option employed in the system has technical capability to produce a product in compliance with the set standards;
  • The water supply and sewerage system operated by the private operator is producing a product in compliance with the set standards;
  • The operator is in possession of a "Water Use Permit issued by the Department of Environment and Conservation;
  • The Private Operator has paid the prescribed fee.

 Please read here for detailed information on the procedure for obtaining a Private Water Supply License.

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