
Water PNG managers undergo training for executing strategies
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Water PNG became the first organisation in PNG and the Pacific to undertake a week-long execution training which was delivered by management services company Franklin Covey.
The ability to execute organisational strategies is an ongoing challenge for leaders heading all types of organisations including private companies, State-owned enterprises, government organisations and NGOs.
While some strategies can be set into place by the stroke of a pen, others require changes in human behaviour in organisations and this is what makes it most challenging because people in this age have now the freedom to choose their level of engagement and commitment to their roles in organisations. Franklin Covey are the leading world experts in getting results through changing human behaviour through the complete programmes that provide the mindsets, skill sets, and tool sets to guarantee sustained results, year on year.
These world-class programmes are used by the top 90 per cent of Forbes Fortune companies including Microsoft, Google, Marriott Hotels, HSBC and others.
The programmes include leadership, execution, productivity, trust, sales performance and customer loyalty.
Water PNG Managing Director, Raka Taviri Jnr led his executive team to undertake a Franklin Covey leadership programme in August.
They identified from the leadership programme that one of their biggest challenge was the ability to execute on their corporate strategies and objectives.
The ability to execute on strategies is a common challenge faced by all organisations in PNG. Water PNG was able to acquire the Franklin Covey All Access Pass which enables full online access 24 hours, seven days a week to 100 staff of Water PNG of all Franklin Covey intellectual property.
The execution training was delivered by Ashoka Gore, executive director of Franklin Covey Pacific and CEO John Cholai. Franklin Covey is delivering another leadership programme this month and the final one for the year from Nov 21-23.
SOURCE: pngloop
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