Kerema town to get new water supply system thanks to Water PNG
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“Access to clean, safe water is a positive contribution to the lives of the people and will better the standard of living and stimulate economic growth.”
Water PNG Acting General Manager Engineering and Major Projects Mr. Ila Renagi said this on behalf of the Water PNG’s Acting Chief Executive and Managing Director Mr. Raka Taviri during the Ground Breaking Ceremony in Kerema, Gulf Province last Friday 8th November 2013.
He said the water supply project is timely due to the increased number of investors and international developers on the Gulf LNG Project and long the PNG LNG corridor, where Kerema is located.
“The development of Kerema Water Supply is in line with the Government’s Vision 2050 under the pillar of infrastructure development that includes roads, bridges, water supply, wharves, and airstrips. For Water supply in particular, the Government intends to increase access to clean, safe water supply from 39% to 100 % by 2050.” Mr. Renagi said.
A total of K9.1million has been committed to complete Stage One and Two of the water supply project while stage three of the Sewerage System will commence thereafter.
The 2-stage water supply project has received funding support from the Gulf Provincial Government worth K500, 000 while the reminder of K8.6million came from the Government’s Public Investment Program (PIP).
Stage one construction worth K3.3 million will include the construction of the raising main, transmission and distribution mains, elevated water storage tank, installation of chlorination treatment facility and standby generator, house connections, meters and other appurtenances such as valves, fire hydrants, etc. while stage two worth K5.3million will also include construction work but will extend coverage of supply to the entire residence of Kerema Town, Mr. Renagi said.
Gulf Province Governor Hon. Havila Karo when delivering the keynote address said Kerema Town will finally have access to clean safe water after years of delay.
Governor Havila Karo urged landowners to refrain from demanding any land compensation as this will hinder the development and advancement of the province.
Meanwhile National Planning and Monitoring Representative Ms. Moale Daure while delivering her speech said Kerema was one of the beneficiaries of the Governments Public Investment Program (PIP). Through the PIP program the Government aims to provide safe sanitation and water supply services to the rural areas of the country.
Also officiating the event was the Gulf Provincial Administrator Mr. Marc Avai, community and church leaders, provincial business houses and Ila Karaita Primary School who sang the National Anthem.
Water PNG has launched a water project worth K9.1 million in Kerema town last Friday.
It was a sigh of relief for the people of Kerema town who for so long have relied on rainwater and water from wells or nearby creeks.
The town itself is like a rural outstation, but one without access to water since the colonial days, depending wholly on nature for sustenance.
Last Friday was a new beginning for the 7,000 residents of Kerema town as they gathered to witness the ground-breaking ceremony marking the commencement of the water project.
The ceremony was officiated by Gulf Governor Havila Kavo and the Water PNG acting general manager for engineering and major projects, Ila Renagi.
The project is financed by the government’s Public Investment Program (PIP) fund and counter funded by the Gulf Provincial Government through its Provincial Services Improvement Program (PSIP) grants and other funding sources.The project will be constructed by China Jiangsu International.
Mr Renagi said the project is expected to be completed in six months.
“We cannot live and have a healthy community without water. I urge town residents and landowners to take ownership of service such as water treatment facilities.”
Mr Renagi said the project would take three stages to complete, and involves the equipping and commissioning of bore water.
“This will cover the equipping of an existing borehole that was recently redeveloped under a separate contract, an elevated water storage tank, installation of chlorination treatment facility and standby generator, house connections, water meters and others,” he said.
“This will mainly cover the town area and will take four months to complete at a cost of K5.3 million.”
Mr Kavo also urged the people not to demand any land compensation as such demands are a hindrance to the nation’s development.
“Land compensation demands are an obstacle to the advancement and development of our country and I urge Gulf people to refrain from such and allow for services,” Mr Kavo said.
“We will be the centre of focus in the next few years and we will be contributing immensely to the country’s economy with big projects ahead. Let’s cooperate and take ownership of new developments in the province.”
He said the Gulf Provincial Government has spent a total of K50 million so far this year for infrastructure development in the province on infrastructure and other projects.
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