Water PNG signs Memorandum of Understanding with Eda Ranu to overcome jurisdictional boundaries

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Water PNG signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Eda Ranu to work cooperatively to overcome jurisdictional boundaries to provide access to clean drinking water to parts of the Central Province.

The MOU was signed by Water PNG Board Chairman William N. Sweet and Eda Ranu Board Chairwoman Mary Karo at the signing ceremony held today at the IPBC Boardroom, Pacific Place, Port Moresby.

The purpose of the MoU is to overcome jurisdictional boundaries of statutory operation by Eda Ranu and Water PNG with a mutual understanding for the facilitation of a 12 km water pipeline by Eda Ranu into Central Province where Water PNG has the water supplying jurisdiction under the enabling legislation, the National Water Supply & Sewerage Act 1986 (NWSS Act).

Under the NWSS Act, Water PNG has the jurisdiction tosupply water and sewerage services throughout the country with the exception of the water supply and sewerage services of and pertaining to the National Capital District which is serviced by Eda Ranu.

With this MoU, Eda Ranu will extend its jurisdictional boundaries to supply treated water from its Waigani Reservoir through the distribution main to the nearby villages of Roku, Kouderika, Porebada, Boera, Papa, Metago to the end of Lealea village in the Central Province”

Water PNG Board Chairman William N. Sweet said: “We are excited about this MoU and we invite Eda Ranu to look at our current project in the area so we can work together.”

Mr. Sweet said it was a great step forward in working together and that this arrangement would help both parties reach its corporate vision and goals more strategically in supporting major investment areas in the country.

In initiating this MoU, Eda Ranu Chairwoman Mary Karo said: “We’ve all come to a common understanding that we (EDA RANU and Water PNG) are here to serve the people’s interest and will further pursue any other projects that may come about as we’re both owned by the government of Papua New Guinea”.

Meanwhile, IPBC Managing Director, Mr. Wasantha Kumarasiri said in its effort to support State Owned Enterprises to provide effective service delivery, this arrangement to use existing organization to provide similar services by collaborating together is timely and a milestone achievement for both Water PNG and Eda Ranu.

“With understanding and flexibility, this MOU will take us in the same direction to achieve the Government’s overall goal in its Vision 2050,” Mr. Kumarasiri said.


Background on Water PNG:

Water PNG was established under National Water Supply and Sewerage Act 1986 as a State-Owned Enterprise with the responsibility for provision and management of Water Supply and Sewerage services throughout Papua New Guinea except in the National Capital District. For more information on Water PNG operations, visit our website: www.waterpng.com.pg

Background on Eda Ranu:

Eda Ranu is wholly owned by the State through a shareholding held by IPBC. It is the company responsible for the provision of water and sewerage services in Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea. The NCD Water and Sewerage Act 1996 were specifically formulated for Eda Ranu. This Act authorizes and regulates the operations of the water supply and sewerage systems.




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