Water PNG, first SoE in PNG to successfully trial and launch the Automated Employee Attendance System

by Super User
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Mr Raka Taviri Jr, Chief Executive & Managing Director of Water PNG said: “We are excited about this new technology that can increase productivity, cut administration cost, reduce absenteeism and eliminate costly payroll errors.” 

He said we have been discussing better ways to effectively manage our workforce’s attendance and this new automated system has popped up at this critical time of rapid change and growth. 

Water PNG is one of the small SoEs in the country and though its people management program is relaxed, it has recently become apparent that in order for WPNG to dominate the water supply business, we need to produce a “new-kind of people” that are results driven with excellent work ethics.

This new system is a comprehensive solution and takes the burden off.

 “Keeping track of everyone's attendance is a big chore. Whether it is on paper or spreadsheets, trying to track everyone down to find out when they were out, and answering questions about how many rec. leave days they have remaining is time that could be better spent elsewhere.”

“I believe that if we are serious about greater people management, we need to shift our thinking and focus to new Administration principles and technologies. I am confident that our investment in this new Automated Employee Attendance System will assist in raising the standard for good work ethics and attendance.” 

Meanwhile, Water PNG Human Resource Manager Loisi Chikalli added that increasing information accuracy and reliability are the two paramount reasons a time and attendance system is installed in any organization. Because an organization’s workforce is often its largest expense, impacting production and profitability, inaccurate timekeeping can lead to costly regulatory compliance missteps, among other pitfalls. 

She said on the other hand, it should be noted that employees also represent an organization’s biggest asset with regard to growth and profitability. Thus, maintaining accurate and reliable time and attendance information makes labor management a whole lot more manageable. 

In addition, Water PNG’s Information Technology & Communications Manager Nepthaly Serebut said that the rollout of the Automated Employee Attendance System in the organisation was carried out of by the in-house Human Resource Team and the Information and Communication Technology Team with project technical assistance provided by Water PNG business partners in Time and Access System (PNG), Digicel and Pronto Software. 

“As a multi-site organisation, it was a challenge introducing this innovation into the payroll business culture, however due to a well-organized employee awareness campaign and seamlessness of the solution to work with existing ICT systems; we were able to successfully launch this business solution“– Nepthaly Serebut Manager – ICT. 

The Water PNG Awareness Campaign Team Members include: Loisi Chikalli, Malaga Baiva, Esther Hollie, Kepi Temu, Jepha Tunkia, Nepthaly Serebut, Ila Leana, Robert Loo, Mala Sakii, and Scot Bilau.


About Water PNG:

Water PNG was established under National Water Supply and Sewerage Act 1986 as a State-Owned Enterprise with the responsibility for provision and management of Water Supply and Sewerage services throughout Papua New Guinea except in the National Capital District.


 Contact Information:

 Water PNG

Contact: Human Resource and Public Relations Office:  enquiries@waterpng.com.pg   

Level 1, Garden City Building, Angau Drive

P.O. Box 2779 Boroko,

National Capital District



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