Business Center Contacts

Kainantu Business Centre
Patrick Jinimbo - Business Centre Manager
Kainantu, Eastern Highlands Provine
t: (675) 537 1080
m: (675) 7557 6355
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Kavieng Business Centre
Daniel Emiabo - Business Centre Manager
PO Box 447
Kavieng, New Ireland Province
t: (675) 984 2297
m: (675) 7521 0330
f: (675) 984 2347
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Kimbe Business Center
Bomai Bonamedura - Business Center Manager
P.O Box 244,
Kimbe, West New Britain Province
t: (675) 983 5510
m: (675) 7622 9576
f: (675) 983 5528
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Kokopo & Rabaul Business Centre
Emos Michael - Business Centre Manager
PO Box 227
Kokopo, East New Britain Province
t: (675) 982 9020
m: (675) xxxx xxxx
f: (675) 982 9071
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Kundiawa Business Center
Mote Golagela - Business Center Manager
P.O Box 1222
Chimbu, Chimbu
t: (675) 535 1246/1092
m: (675) 7557 6408
f: (675)735 1249
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