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Our rates are approved by ICCC



Made by the Independent Consumer and Competition Commission under Section 21 of the Prices Regulation Act (Chapter 320), and to amend the Notice Relating to Water PNG Ltd's 2016 Water and Sanitation Tariffs as previously published in the National Gazette No. G389 of 17th May 2017. This new Order is to come into operation as of 1st of January 2018.

The Notice relating to Water PNG Ltd's 2017 Water and Sanitation Tariffs is amended by this Order as indicated in the following Schedule for 2018.



This Price Schedule relates to the maximum Water and Sanitation rates for all Water Supply and Sanitation services supplied by Water PNG Ltd. The maximum prices which may be charged by Water PNG Ltd in respect of any accounts issued on or after the date of publication of this Order in the National Gazette (other than arrears which may only be charged at the maximum prices prevailing when those charges were incurred) are as follows:



TARIFF  (Kina)

1.0    Water Supply


1.1    0.1 to 15 Kilolitres

  1.50 per kilolitre

1.2    Above 15 Kilolitres

  7.50 per kilolitre



2.0      Sewerage


2.1    0.1 to 15 Kilolitres

  0.50 per kilolitre

2.2    Above 15 Kilolitres

  2.50 per kilolitre

2.3    Sludge Tankers

  At cost



3.0    Connection Fees


3.1    Standard Connections - Water


3.2    Non Standard Connection - Water

  At cost

3.3    Reconnection – Water

  At cost



4.0    Standby Fees


4.1    Standby Fee – Water

  At cost

4.2    Standby Fee – Sewerage

  At cost


 The above rates are expressed in Kina and are exclusive of Goods and Services Taxes (GST).

Dated this 1st day of January 2018


Authorized by

Managing Director of Water PNG Ltd

Mr. Raka Taviri Jr.

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