How Bill is Calculated

View the rates and see how we calculate your bills.

The System calculation of Bills is solely dependent on the amount (Volume) consumed regardless of the number of Days, within a billing period.                                                                                   

There are two Volume categories: Band-1 and Band-2.                                                         

The Bill is calculated according to the Band in which the Volume consumed falls in.  


 Volume Category





Rate per kL



Rate per kL


1 kL

20 kL


1 kL

20 kL



21 kL

40 kL


21 kL

40 kL



For example: Customer consumes 25kL                                                                                                               

25 kL falls in Band-2, which is between 21 and 40 kL. The rate applicable on this band for Water is K4.80.                                                                        

Thus the charge would be:       25 kL x K4.80 = K120.00                                        

                                                       Add 10% GST = K132.00                             

If the customer is connected to the Sewer, the same principle applies:                   

25 kL falls in Band-2, which is between 21 and 40 kL. The rate applicable on this band for Sewer is K1.11 per volume (kL)                                                                                           

25 kL x K1.11 = K27.75                                           

   Add 10% GST = K30.52

The total invoice charge now would be:   

Water charge + Sewer Charge                          

K132.00   +   K30.52                 

Equals      = K162.52  

Water users owe K24mil

LAE residents owe Water PNG Ltd (WPNGL) K24 million in outstanding bills despite the company’s efforts to ensure the provision of safe, clean water for the citizens of the Morobe capital, senior manager Martin Bigiglen says.

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Clearance determination Eda Ranu & Water PNG

On 22 January 2020, the ICCC granted clearance to Water PNG to undertake a merger with Eda Ranu.

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