7. Lae Water Source

Water PNG Ltd provides over 30 million litres of treated water each day to residents of Lae City and surrounding areas.

Water required to meet Lae City's demand is drawn from the seven (7) Bores located at Taraka (along the perimeter boundary of the PNG University of Technology). 

Water drawn from these Bores is then treated at the Taraka Water Treatment Plant and distributed via two (2) main trunk systems, the High Pressure and Low Pressure Systems.

The Taraka Water Treatment Plant (WTP) was commissioned in April 1982. It contains facilities for the chlorination, storage and transfer of all water drawn from the Taraka Bore system.

Water users owe K24mil

LAE residents owe Water PNG Ltd (WPNGL) K24 million in outstanding bills despite the company’s efforts to ensure the provision of safe, clean water for the citizens of the Morobe capital, senior manager Martin Bigiglen says.

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Clearance determination Eda Ranu & Water PNG

On 22 January 2020, the ICCC granted clearance to Water PNG to undertake a merger with Eda Ranu.

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